what we offer
Theta healing®
what is it
It is a world-renown healing method that was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health and after she healed herself from a 9-in tumor in her leg.
The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy – not specific to one religion but accepting them all – with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body, and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that you do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.
The technique
The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one’s own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the Theta brain wave state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional well-being. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional well-being.
Our philosophy is to live, train, and coach others how to achieve a better life through the pure essence of love. This healing technique allows us to work with the Creator to help attain harmony in our mind, body, and spirit. We are best known for the 7 Planes of Existence. Using this concept, the practitioner uses the ThetaHealing technique meditation to connect with a higher spiritual power of his/her own belief and commands a change as requested by that individual.
Therapeutic self-help
Upon learning the ThetaHealing technique, you will see that everyone has intuitive abilities that can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional healing. Using this personal process, you will help yourself, as well as your friends and family. Not only did Vianna discover the ThetaHealing technique is teachable, she knows that it needs to be taught. Vianna conducts seminars all over the world to teach people of all races, beliefs, and religions. She has trained teachers and practitioners who are working in 30 countries, with an estimated 300,000 practitioners worldwide and growing.
The ThetaHealing technique is designed by Vianna as a therapeutic self-help guide to developing the ability to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually using the Creator of all That Is. ThetaHealing is known for the Belief and Feeling Work on all four levels; Core, Gene, History, and Soul. With growing scientific evidence that toxic emotion can contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health. Belief and Feeling Work empowers people with the ability to remove and replace negative emotions, feelings, and thoughts with positive, beneficial ones. ThetaHealing can be most easily described as an attainable miracle for your life.
The benefits
Listed below in no particular order are a few of the things I can help you with, and so much more.​
Abuse, and its emotional legacy
Healing a broken heart.
Physical illness.
Chronic Pain
Fears and phobias.
Feeling disconnected, lost, or suicidal.
Overcoming obstacles
​Obtain greater levels of:
Abundance | Achievement | Self-acceptance
Self-confidence | Self-love | Self-worth | Love
Motivation | Relationships
Space clearing
What is it
Space clearing is the art of clearing and revitalizing stagnant energies in buildings.
Energetically, everything that ever happens in a building goes out in ripples like the effect of a stone being dropped in a pond. It is recorded in the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and other objects in the place. It gets astrally imprinted into the very fabric of the structure. Repetitive actions and behaviors are deeply imprinted, and events accompanied by strong emotions or trauma are the most strongly imprinted of all.